~B~1The Commands Explained~2~B ------------------------------ ~B~4?commands~2~B ~5?accountinfo~2 - Shows all your aliases and their usage. ~5?arena~2 - Displays a pop-up menu of all (non-#private) arenas. ~5?away~2 - Toggles your away state on/off. ~5?away ~2 - Sets your away message to . ~5?alarm~2 - Sets a message alarm. ~5?briefing~2 - Plays the zone briefing. ~5?buy~2 - Commandline buy function (?buy grenades:10 or ?buy grenades:10,monkeys:20 and ?buy grenades:# if you wish have no more than in your inventory.) ~5?breakdown~2 - gives you a mid-game breakdown (only in game types that have game-breakdown information, GravBall and TDM currently) ~5?chat~2 - Lists your chat channels. ~5?chat name1,name2,..,name9~2 - Adds the named chat channels to your chat channel list. ~5?chat off~2 - Leaves all chat channels. ~5?crown~2 - Shows how many crowned people you need to kill to get a crown. (for King of the Hill). ~5?drop~2 - The syntax works like ?buy, drops the item(s) listed to your current location. ~5?fakealpha~2 - Toggles fake alpha blending on/off. ~5?find ~2 - Displays the zone and arena is in, a wildcard is added to the end, so total_newb would show up total_newbie. ~5?flags~2 - Displays the state of the flags (if any) in the game. ~5?go ~2 - Moves you to an arena named , use # to make an private (invisible) arena. ~5?help~2 - Sends a help requests assistance from a moderator if a moderator is available (?help Explanation of help needed). ~5?hide~2 - Hides you from the ?find command. ~5?ignore~2 - List all the people you have ignored. ~5?ignore ~2 - If isnt in your ignore list it adds them, if they are in your ignore list it removes them. ~5?ignoresave~2 - Saves your ignore list to ignore.tx. (ex. ignore.tx0 for profile #1). Note: If you need to remove everyone from your ignoresave, you will need to delete the file manually from your game directory. ~5?info~2 - Sent privately, will display information of the persons ping/packetloss and his squadname (if applicable). ~5?lag~2 - Displays combined information of your packetloss and latency. ~5?loadmacro ~2 - Loads the FKey macros from the named file. ~5?log ~2 - Logs all messages to the named file. If you dont specify a filename "session.log" is use. If a log file is already open, it is closed. ~5?mousemove~2 - toggle whether you use the mouse for vehicle movement or not while in the game (same as the game option in the Options dialog box). ~5?namewidth ~2 - Sets the name-field width in message area (in pixels), default is 84. ~5?password ~2 - Changes your password to . ~5?playerchart~2 - Displays a chart of players in the current arena. ~5?online~2 - Display the total player counts for all zones. ~5?quit~2 - Exits the game. ~5?radarsize ~2 - Changes the size of your radar (in the lower right of your screen) to , default is 160. ~5?resources~2 - Displays your team's inventory (where applicable). ~5?rotatetime ~2 - Changes your rotation ramp-up time to . ~5?savehistory~2 - Saves the current message history out to a file. You can optionally specify a filename (ex. ?savehistory mymatch.log) ~5?savemacro ~2 - Saves your FKey macros to . ~5?score~2 - Displays the current score of the game (if any). ~5?score_top100~2 - Displays Top 100 scores in the current zone. ~5?score_online~2 - Displays scores of online players in the current zone. ~5?score_current~2 - Displays Score of current game in progress. ~5?score_previous~2 - Displays score of last game ended.. ~5?sell~2 - Syntax works like ?buy, all items arent sellable. ~5?showballtrail