Infantry since 1999 and still running after 26 years! |
Infantry (also known as Infantry Online) is a multiplayer combat video game. Originally released in 1999 and deloped by Harmless Games. After Sony Online Entertainment who had bought Infantry shut down servers on spring 2012, the Infantry community subsequently took control of the game and re-launched it independently as FreeInfantry. Nowdays FreeInfantry can be found from Steam!
Steam store site
FreeInfantry official website
Steam community
Overview |
Infantry is a multiplayer combat video game with sprite animation graphics, using complex soldier,
ground vehicle and space-ship models on typically complex terrains. Team with gamers from around the world
in this adrenaline-pumping collection of online combat games. It's all-out frenetic action in the world of
Infantry where battles featuring up to 100+ wage throughout the day. Easy to play and simple to get into, Infantry
offers a quick blend of tactics and action unlike any other massively multiplayer online game.
Presentation video about the game |
Video hosted by: YouTube
Infantry timeline |
15.04.1999 - Infantry opens for Alpha tests by Harmless Games.
05.10.2000 - Sony announced its acquisition of Infantry
26.10.2000 - Sony decided to open up the game for an Public Beta
01.05.2002 - Sony Station pass pay-to-play begun ($6.95 for month)
26.05.2007 - Sony announced free online gaming access to Infantry
01.06.2007 - Sony released a free map editor for Infantry
01.12.2009 - Group of players reverse engineered game server.
29.02.2012 - Sony announced that Infantry servers will be closed soon.
29.03.2012 - Sony shuts down Infantry servers at 12:00 am PT.
05.04.2012 - Free player run (reverse engineered) servers started.
20.06.2019 - Dirserver WebUI shut down, a death for Population Stats. 22.12.2020 - New Dirserver started, Population Stats relaucnhed. 15.04.2024 - Release: FreeInfantry released in Steam.
Infantry population statistics |

More population statistics available at infantry.gamespec.org/population
Game Features |
200+ players per game arena with arenas linkable by portals to create a massive game universe. Harmless Games proprietary 2D graphics engine features on the fly level creation, oodles of lighting effects that allows for a fully dynamic world.
Dozens of different vehicle types
Tanks, buggies, jetpacks, hover boards, bikes, skimmers, flyers, transport craft, ambulances and even tunneling machines.
Developing storyline
Infantry will feature one of the most fully realised SF settings ever. We hope players will enjoy the depth of the background as they alter the course of the games universe.
Multi-man vehicles
Vehicles will be capable of carrying and using numerous crew members. For example, to use a battle tank successfully you will need a tank commander, (in the turret hatch to direct fire); a gunner, (to fire the main tank cannon); a driver, (to drive the thing); a hull gunner, (to operate the hull machine gun); and a technical officer, (to man the built in tank sensors, ECM and comms devices). In addition to that the tank can carry 4 passengers to disembark when a little "leg work" is required. Each crew position has its own hit points and damage record so tanks can be damaged in all sorts of ways.
Detailed communications system
Players will not only be able to set up whatever channels they wish and have all the usual features of macros, etc. but also be able to store messages to squad members which get delivered next time they are online.
Hundreds of weapons
Infantry boasts over 200 different weapons... here is a sample. Lasers, pistols, rifles, carbines, SMG’s, slug throwers, shotguns, regular grenades, smoke & phosphorus grenades, anti-tank rockets, anti-personnel rockets, mines, flame-throwers, mortars, artillery, heavy and light machine guns, scatter pack weapons, sonic weapons, explosive demolition charges, static emplacement guns, bunkers and a bunch of other stuff.
Advanced line of sight
Players are able to purchase head cams which allow each other to share line of sight with their team mates and share tactical information. In addition players can use cameras, drones and even Psionic abilities to snoop into are as beyond their vision and lay ambushes for unwary enemies.
Loads of equipment
Players will be able to use (if their character has the skill) from a huge range of equipment including the following. Medikits, lockpicks, mechanic kits, dozens of armor types from bullet proof vests, stealth suits to full power armor suits, emplacements (build your own base), shields, tactical systems (for example you can draw waypoints for your fellows to follow on a full screen radar display), infra red and UV goggle systems, mine detectors, repair kits, hacking kits to name but a few, (hey, we need to keep some surprises for you).
Powers of the mind which allow amazing feats. These powers include the following each is its own specialty. Clairvoyance, (allows players to sense life forms through walls etc, improves with skill); Mind assault, (literally tears apart an op ponents mind); Telekinesis, (allows players to “push” objects. A master can throw a human being at high speeds using only his mind); Pyrokinesis, (creates flame, users can make fireballs and walls of flame). But psionics are not without weaknesses, they have difficulty using high technology and use of their mighty powers leaves them exhausted and vulnerable.
Numerous environments
Environments from boarding actions between two starships, desperate fights on board hollowed out asteroids, the depths of Jupiter's moon Europa’s oceans to the methane atmosphere of Titan Saturn's prosperous colony to the horror of the lonely Triton slowly orbiting Neptune. Infantry scales the solar system.
Huge maps
You are going to have a lot of room to explore.
Try it yourself! |
There's much that you cannot put into words so the best is you to try it by yourself!
Go ahead and download Infantry and join to the game and explore!
Do not forget to join to the Steam Community and participate discussion!
Beginners guide
Log in, kill someone, and make some friends. Help us to make keep Infantry alive.

Random in-game screenshot
Arcade - Bug Hunt XD (Bots)
CR - Chaos Zone
CTF - Twin Peaks 2.0
SK - Minimaps
SKX - Io's Landing (Bots)
USL - KS10 (2)
[I:TZ] Local Test Zone